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2006 Brewers Association Style Guidelines

Major Style:Ale
Sub-Style Name:South German-Style Hefeweizen/Hefeweissbier

The aroma and flavor of a Weissbier with yeast is decidedly fruity and phenolic. The phenolic characteristics are often described as clove- or nutmeg like and can be smoky or even vanilla like. Banana like esters are often present. These beers are made with at least 50 percent malted wheat, and hop rates are quite low. Hop flavor and aroma are absent.

Weissbier is well attenuated and very highly carbonated, yet its relatively high starting gravity and alcohol content make it a medium- to fullbodied beer. The color is very pale to pale amber. Because yeast is present, the beer will have yeast flavor and a characteristically fuller mouthfeel and may be appropriately very cloudy. No diacetyl should be perceived.

(Brewer may indicate a desire that the yeast be either poured or not poured when the beer is served)

Alcohol By Weight (by Volume):3.9-4.4% (4.9-5.5%)
Colour:3-9 (6-18 EBC)
Original Gravity:1.047-1.056 (11.8-14 ºPlato)
Final Gravity:1.008-1.016 (2-4 ºPlato)

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