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2006 Brewers Association Style Guidelines

Major Style:Ale
Sub-Style Name:Belgian-Style Dark Strong Ale
Origin:Belgian and French

Belgian dark strong ales are amber to dark brown in color. Often, though not always, brewed with dark Belgian "candy" sugar, these beers can be well attenuated, ranging from medium to full-bodied. The perception of hop bitterness is low to medium, with hop flavor and aroma also in this range. Fruity complexity along with the soft flavors of roasted malts add distinct character. The alcohol strength of these beers can often be deceiving to the senses.

The intensity of malt character can be rich, creamy, and sweet with intensities ranging from medium to high. Very little or no diacetyl is perceived. Herbs and spices are sometimes used to delicately flavor these strong ales. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures

Alcohol By Weight (by Volume):5.6-8.8% (7.0-11.0%)
Colour:7-20 (14-40 EBC)
Original Gravity:1.064-1.096 (16-23 ºPlato)
Final Gravity:1.012-1.024 (3-6 ºPlato)

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